[Exchange 2007] distribution group and auto-reply
Hi all, i need to create an auto-reply for groups in exchange 2007 and i know that we have 2 way:
put a noreply.user in the group with out of office activated use server transport rules
Well, i can't use the first one because my customer doesn't wat see "out of office" prefix in the subject email and apparently there is no way to modify or delete that prefix-subject but with server transport rules i'm really near to do that applying
this rule to messages:
when any of the recipients in the To or CC fields are people (where people is my distribution group)
send bounce message to sender with enhanced status code
If i send an email to this group ONLY it works (except that exchange expands the group and replies an email with 5.7.1 error for each membership, why??)
If i send an email to this group AND (to OR cc (internal groups OR internal users) or (external emails)) the whole email is blocked, noone receive this email and the sender receive 1 email for each group, user and
external email that i added to email (containing 5.7.1 error message from each membership like usual)... that's weird!
i send an email to: internal_group1(interal_user1,internal_user2), internal_group2(interal_user3,internal_user4), external_user1
exchange log:
RECEIVE - STOREDRIVER EXPAND - ROUTING internal_group1 (obtained 2 emails) EXPAND - ROUTING internal_group2 (obtained 2 emails) FAIL - AGENT (external_user1) FAIL - AGENT (internal_user1) FAIL - AGENT (internal_user2) FAIL - AGENT (internal_user3) FAIL - AGENT (internal_user4) TRANSFER - ROUTING TRANSFER - ROUTING FAIL - ROUTING (internal_user1, internal_user2) FAIL - ROUTING (internal_user3, internal_user4) SUBMIT - STOREDRIVER
i receive 3 emails with 5.7.1 errors and no-one received the email
Any idea to fix it? how i can force exchange to don't expand the groups and just reply with the name of distribution group?
Or do you have another good solution to use auto-reply with distribution groups?
ThanksDavide Menicucci System Administrator at I.S.I.S. SpA (www.isis.sm)
July 13th, 2011 4:43pm
Hello Meni83,
Any update on the issue?Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010-2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog: www.ExchangeRanger.Blogspot.com
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August 13th, 2011 8:50am
The third way :)
1. Create a Public Folder and mailenable it
2. Add the Public folder member of the DL
3. Set an auto reply for the Public folder
hope it will work
August 14th, 2011 3:31am
The third way :)
1. Create a Public Folder and mailenable it
2. Add the Public folder member of the DL
3. Set an auto reply for the Public folder
hope it will work
Hi, thanks for the third way... i'll check it :)Davide Menicucci System Administrator at I.S.I.S. SpA (www.isis.sm)
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 14th, 2011 6:33am
Hello Meni83,
Any update on the issue?
Gulab | MCITP: Exchange 2010-2007 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah | Blog: www.ExchangeRanger.Blogspot.com
Hi Gulab, no good news from exchange-side... but i found a solution with a "cheap" third part software.
Inizially i tried the first autoreply software for exchange that i found on the web, really nice software with templates, rules, nice GUI, everything and more! BUT i found the same issue with distribution group (to be onest i can say that this kind
of software are exchange-transport-rules based, so...). I was desperete, but looking on internet i found a second software so i decided to try it. Configuring a rule with a distribution group a found a supid little flag that saved me, the label says: "Expand
Distribution List before checking condition(s)" so... disabling it everything work fine!!
As i said i think that those softwares work with exchange transport rules, so at the moment i must spend some money because i cant stop the expansion of groups in exchange conditions :\
Davide Menicucci System Administrator at I.S.I.S. SpA (www.isis.sm)
August 14th, 2011 6:53am